The following is from Co-Director Joanne Diaz. For 7 years, Ted has brought the members of our organization his own form of Harris-ment. He has left us much stronger and we are very extremely grateful for his leadership. We wish Ted all the best in his retirement and I’m sure we’ll continue to see him at future events.
I have had the pleasure of working with Ted Harris for 7 years, organizing and leading the monthly SFOBA meetings.
What started out in 2008 as a typical “meet and greet” has grown into the vibrant, valuable market forum for the South Florida brokerage community that it is today.
There is no payment involved in what we do except for the “sunshine dollars” from your sunny smiles when we see you at the meetings, and hopefully making a difference for our contributions.
So although Ted has said he is retiring, we hope that he will occasionally visit from time to time so we can enjoy his smiling face!!
I received a “quote of the day” yesterday that read:
“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget”.
Ted – you will be greatly missed, but never forgotten!!
So that YOU won’t forget US, I got you this crystal paperweight that reads:
Presented to Ted Harris
In appreciation for all your hard work and dedication throughout the years.
You will be missed!
South Florida Office Brokers Association