All posts tagged 110 tower

110 Tower
October 24, 2016, No comments

The asset was acquired by Boca Raton-based IP Capital Partners, LLC for $286 per square foot. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

110 Tower Renovation Gaining Plenty Of Attention

March 18, 2014, No comments

The leasing team recently inked 40,000 square feet of lease deals. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

110 Tower Begins Demolition, Redevelopment

May 29, 2013, No comments

The last phase of a $15 million renovation includes redevelopment of two floors to make way for 40,000 square feet of office space with a two-story me ...

September 7th Designated “110 Tower Day”

September 14, 2011, No comments

The Proclamation was issued in recognition of 110 Tower earning the prestigious LEED Gold certification. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE ON THIS STORY